Ultralight node: pclientd

Ultralight node: pclientd

Penumbra's architecture separates public shared state from private per-user state. Each user's state is known only to them and other parties they disclose it to. While this provides many advantages -- and enables the core features of the chain -- it also creates new operational challenges. Most existing blockchain tooling is built on the assumption that all chain state is available from a fullnode via RPC, allowing the tooling to be relatively stateless, obtaining its information from an RPC.

The role of pclientd, the Penumbra client daemon, is to restore this paradigm, allowing third-party tooling to query both public and private state via RPC, and to handle all of the Penumbra-specific cryptography. It does this by:

  • scanning and synchronizing a local, decrypted copy of all of a specific user's private data;
  • exposing that data through a "view service" RPC that can query state and plan and build transactions;
  • proxying requests for public chain state to its fullnode;
  • optionally authorizing and signing transactions if configured with a spending key.

Client software can be written in any language with GRPC support, using pclientd as a single endpoint for all requests.

   ┌────────┐  ┌─────────────────┐  ┌────────┐
   │  Client│  │         pclientd│  │Penumbra│
   │Software│◀─┼─┐             ┌─┼─▶│Fullnode│
   └────────┘  │ │             │ │  └────────┘
            ╭  │ │ ┌───────┐   │ │
     public │  │ │ │grpc   │   │ │
 chain data │  │ ├▶│proxy  │◀──┤ │
            ╰  │ │ └───────┘   │ │
               │ │             │ │
            ╭  │ │ ┌───────┐   │ │
    private │  │ │ │view   │   │ │
  user data │  │ ├▶│service│◀──┘ │
            ╰  │ │ └───────┘     │
               │ │               │
            ╭  │ │ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ┐     │
   spending │  │ │  custody      │
 capability │  │ └▶│service│     │
 (optional) ╰  │    ─ ─ ─ ─      │


Currently, pclientd does not support any kind of transport security or authentication mechanism. Do not expose its RPC to untrusted access. We intend to remedy this gap in the future.