Getting Started
This quick start guide will help you get started with Penumbra using a web-based wallet, and walk you through each basic feature. For more detailed walkthroughs of each feature, see the web section.
Install Prax Wallet
To get started, install Prax Wallet (opens in a new tab), then open it from the Chrome extensions toolbar to create a wallet.
Connected sites, like this one, can view your addresses and balances.
Shield Funds
Transfers into Penumbra shield funds, recording them privately.
Use theSwap pageto try swapping the USDC that you bridged in earlier to UM, the Penumbra staking token – or any other swap you prefer.
Set the 'Speed' slider to the leftmost setting, Instant Price, to perform a swap at the current market price. Choosing a slower speed will perform an auction, offering your swap over time at gradually diminishing prices until all your input tokens are sold.
Holders of UM can stake their tokens to participate in network validation and governance.
Use theStake pageto delegate to a validator.
Sending Tokens
Use the Send (opens in a new tab) page to send tokens privately within Penumbra.
Penumbra transactions include a shielded memo describing the purpose of the transaction. The memo is only visible to the sender and receiver of the transaction.
You can test sending tokens to one of your other sub-accounts by using the arrows on the account selector in the extension popup to select a different sub-account.
UM stakers can participate in governance using (opens in a new tab). This frontend allows viewing proposals, and voting on them through the Prax wallet.
Disconnecting Frontends
To revoke a site's access to your data, navigate to the Settings page in Prax Wallet, click Connected Sites, and click the trash button next to the site's URL.
You can do this now to
to verify that
disconnection cuts off this page's access to your data.