Configuring pclientd

First, install pclientd following the instructions for installing pcli but downloading pclientd rather than pcli.

Generating configs

pclientd can run in either view mode, with only a full viewing key, or custody mode, with the ability to sign transactions.

To initialize pclientd in view mode, run

pclientd init --view FULL_VIEWING_KEY

The FULL_VIEWING_KEY can be obtained from the config.toml generated by pcli init.

To initialize pclientd in custody mode, run

pclientd init --custody -

to read a seed phrase from stdin, or

pclientd init --custody "SEED PHRASE"

to specify the seed phrase on the command line.

Authorization policy

When run in custody mode, pclientd supports configurable authorization policy for transaction signing. The default set of policies created by init --custody are an example, and need to be edited before use.

For example, pclientd init --custody might generate output like

full_viewing_key = 'penumbrafullviewingkey1f33fr3zrquh869s3h8d0pjx4fpa9fyut2utw7x5y7xdcxz6z7c8sgf5hslrkpf3mh8d26vufsq8y666chx0x0su06ay3rkwu74zuwqq9w8aza'
grpc_url = ''
bind_addr = ''
spend_key = 'penumbraspendkey1e9gf5g8jfraap4jqul7e80vv0zrnwpsm4ke0df38ejrfh430nu4s9gc22d'
type = 'DestinationAllowList'
allowed_destination_addresses = ['penumbrav2t13vh0fkf3qkqjacpm59g23ufea9n5us45e4p5h6hty8vg73r2t8g5l3kynad87u0n9eragf3hhkgkhqe5vhngq2cw493k48c9qg9ms4epllcmndd6ly4v4dw2jcnxaxzjqnlvnw']
type = 'OnlyIbcRelay'
type = 'PreAuthorization'
method = 'Ed25519'
required_signatures = 1
allowed_signers = ['+Osq5OiWKos57KigDjd3XCG/YLUOSUbuBly4LBBpJTg=']

The kms_config section controls the configuration of the (software) key management system. Each kms.auth_policy section is a separate policy that must be satisfied for transaction authorization to succeed. To allow any transaction to be authorized, simply delete all the policies.

Destination allowlisting

type = 'DestinationAllowList'
allowed_destination_addresses = ['penumbrav2t13vh0fkf3qkqjacpm59g23ufea9n5us45e4p5h6hty8vg73r2t8g5l3kynad87u0n9eragf3hhkgkhqe5vhngq2cw493k48c9qg9ms4epllcmndd6ly4v4dw2jcnxaxzjqnlvnw']

This policy only allows transactions that send funds to the addresses on the allowlist. Transactions sending funds to any other address will be rejected.


type = 'OnlyIbcRelay'

This policy only allows transactions with the following actions: IbcAction, Spend, Output. The latter two are required to pay fees, so this policy should be combined with a DestinationAllowList to prevent sending funds outside of the relayer's account.


type = 'PreAuthorization'
method = 'Ed25519'
required_signatures = 1
allowed_signers = ['+Osq5OiWKos57KigDjd3XCG/YLUOSUbuBly4LBBpJTg=']

This policy only allows transactions submitted with a pre-authorization Ed25519 signature made with at least required_signers signatures from the allowed_signers list. This allows clients to authenticate authorization requests to pclientd using standard Ed25519 signatures rather than Penumbra-specific decaf377-rdsa signatures. In the future, more pre-authorization methods may be added (e.g., WebAuthn).