Generating a Wallet

On first installation of pcli, you will need to generate a fresh wallet to use with Penumbra.

The pcli init command will generate a configuration file, depending on the custody backend used to store keys.

There are currently three custody backends:

  1. The softkms backend is a good default choice for low-security use cases. It stores keys unencrypted in a local config file.
  2. The threshold backend is a good choice for high-security use cases. It provides a shielded multisig, with key material sharded over multiple computers.
  3. The view-only backend has no custody at all and only has access to viewing keys.

Furthermore, softkms and threshold allow encrypting the spend-key related material with a password.

After running pcli init with one of the backends described above, pcli will be initialized.

Shielded accounts

Penumbra's design automatically creates 2^32 (four billion) numbered accounts controlled by your wallet.

To generate the address for a numbered account, use pcli view address:

$ pcli view address 0

You can also run pcli view address on an address to see which account it corresponds to:

$ pcli view address penumbra1...
Address is viewable with this full viewing key. Account index is 0.

Addresses are opaque and do not reveal account information. Only you, or someone who has your viewing key, can decrypt the account information from the address.

Validator custody

Validators need to custody more kinds of key material than ordinary users. A validator operator has control over:

  • The validator's identity signing key: the root of the validator's identity, controlling its on-chain definition and all other subkeys. The public half of this keypair is contained in a Penumbra validator ID such as penumbravalid1u2z9c75xcc2ny6jxccge6ehqtqkhgy4ltxms3ldappr06ekpguxqq48pdh. This key can never be rotated, so it is very important for a validator to keep it secure. However, the identity signing key is only used for signing changes to the validator's configuration data, so it can be kept in cold storage or via threshold (multisig) custody.
  • The validator's CometBFT consensus key: the key used to sign blocks by the running validator. Unlike the Cosmos SDK, the consensus key can be freely rotated by uploading a new validator definition with an updated consensus key. It is important to secure all historical consensus keys used by a validator, as compromise could lead to double-signing and slashing. Secure custody of consensus keys is outside the scope of this document. For examples of ways to custody this key material, see Horcrux (opens in a new tab) and tmkms (opens in a new tab), two approaches for high-security online custody of CometBFT consensus keys.
  • The validator's governance signing key: the key used to vote on governance proposals in the capacity as a validator. Unlike the Cosmos SDK, this is also a subkey, allowing validators to vote on governance proposals without taking their most sensitive key material out of cold storage. By default, this is identical to the validator's identity key, but it can be manually set to a different key. To do this, use the command pcli init validator-governance-subkey after you have run pcli init. This command requires that you choose a custody backend for the governance subkey, which can be one of soft-kms or threshold. The same options apply to these as above.
  • The validator's treasury wallet(s): the wallet(s) which hold the validator's self-delegated funds, and which receive output from (some of) the validator's funding stream(s). These are configured entirely separately from the validator's identity key, and may be changed at any time by migrating funds from one wallet to another and/or updating the funding streams in the validator's on-chain definition. The default templated definition uses an address derived from the validator's identity key wallet, but most operators likely want to change this.

Because Penumbra permits validators to separate their key material as above, validators can choose different custody solutions for the different risk profiles and use cases of different keys, independently.

Multiple signatures when using threshold custody

Validator definitions are self-authenticating data packets, signed by the validator's identity key. Updating a validator definition requires two steps: first, producing a signed validator definition, and second, relaying that definition onto the chain. In a low-security setup, pcli can do these steps automatically.

However, when a validator is using a threshold custody backend for the identity key, these steps may require separate signing operations. First, the definition must be signed (using the custody method of the identity key), and then that definition must be broadcast to the chain. Any wallet can broadcast the signed validator definition, similar to the way that any wallet can relay IBC packets.

Similarly, when a validator is using a threshold custody backend for the governance subkey, casting a vote as a validator may require separate steps, because the vote is signed independently of the transaction which broadcasts it.

Airgap or Wormhole custody

If a validator wishes to use an airgapped signing setup (with or without threshold custody) to sign definition updates or governance votes, this is possible:

  • To sign a definition over an airgap, produce a signature on the airgapped machine or machines using pcli validator definition sign, then upload the definition on a networked machine, after copying the signature across the airgap, using pcli validator definition upload with the optional --signature flag to specify the externally-produced signature for the definition.
  • To sign a validator vote over an airgap, produce a signature on the airgapped machine or machines using pcli validator vote sign, then upload the vote on a networked machine, after copying the signature across the airgap, using pcli validator vote cast with the optional --signature flag to specify the externally-produced signature for the vote.

Alternatively, rather than using a literal airgap, magic wormhole (opens in a new tab) is a fast and secure method for relaying data between computers without complex network interactions.