Privacy Features
This document describes the privacy features of the Penumbra protocol for typical user actions.
Transfers within Penumbra
Transfers within Penumbra's shielded pool do not reveal:
Transfers are also unlinkable to each other.
Submitting swap intents
Initiating a swap does not reveal:
A swap does reveal:
Claiming swap outputs
Claiming a swap does not reveal:
An observer of the chain will see that an anonymous account minted shielded outputs of a swap in a specific trading pair, but those outputs can't be linked to the claimant.
Providing liquidity to the DEX
Market makers that open liquidity positions reveal:
The liquidity positions are not linked to:
If a market maker opens multiple positions they wish to be unlinkable, they can do so by opening multiple positions across different transactions.
Delegator Voting
A delegator vote does not reveal:
A delegator vote does reveal:
Delegating does not reveal:
Delegating does reveal:
IBC Transfers
Inbound IBC transfers reveal:
The boundary between Penumbra's private shielded pool and the public transparent ecosystem is the boundary between the Penumbra zone and the rest of the Cosmos ecosystem. IBC transfers into Penumbra effectively disappear into the shielded pool via the IBC deposit address. Since Penumbra shielded addresses are not linkable, the IBC deposit address is not linked to any other address in Penumbra. Clients should generate a new IBC deposit address for each IBC transfer to a Penumbra shielded address to prevent linking multiple IBC transfers.
Outbound IBC withdrawals reveal:
The return address is typically configured to be a one-time only Penumbra shielded address. Alternatively, Penumbra transparent addresses can be used for the return address for maximum compatibility with Cosmos chains. However, multiple IBC withdrawals that use a Penumbra transparent return address can be linked due to there being a single transparent address per Penumbra wallet. Users can avoid this privacy leak by using a new wallet for each IBC transfer to a Penumbra transparent address.