
If you hold Penumbra's staking token, UM, you can delegate those tokens to a validator. This enables you to receive staking rewards and participate in governance in exchange for taking on the risk of validator misbehavior.


First, go to the Stake (opens in a new tab) page in the Frontend:

Delegation Options

At the top of the page, you will see:

  • Available UM balance to delegate. To stake, you will need to have UM in your wallet. If you do not have UM, you can swap for UM.
  • Unbonding amount. This is the amount of UM that is currently unbonding and will be available to be claimed in the future. The unbonding period is currently 7 days. To learn more about unbonding, see the Shielded Staking page.
  • Claimable amount. This is the amount that is unbonded and can be claimed.

Next, you will see a list of delegation tokens. Each validator has its own delegation token. Associated with its validator are two statistics, the VP and Com:

  • VP is the validator's voting power.
  • Com is the validator's commission rate.
The frontend will recommend you delegate to validators that have less than 5% voting power to promote decentralization.

To delegate, select the validator you would like to delegate to, and click Delegate. Select the amount you would like to delegate:

Delegate Confirm

Once you approve the transaction, it will take a moment to send, and you will see a notification:

Delegate Success

At this point when you navigate back to the Stake (opens in a new tab) page, you will see your delegation token:

Delegation Token


You can undelegate by clicking the Undelegate button to undelegate from that validator.

Undelegate Confirm

In the undelegation approval dialog, you will see your delegation token being spent:

Undelegate Spend

And you will see the undelegation in the planned transaction:

Undelegate Transaction

Once you approve the transaction, it will take a moment to send, and you will see a notification:

Undelegate Success

At this point when you navigate back to the Stake (opens in a new tab) page, you will see you have a balance of unbonding tokens:

Undelegate unbonding

You will need to wait for the unbonding period to end before you get your staking tokens and rewards, however the unbonding tokens are also tradeable, so you can trade them prior to the unbonding period ending.