Installing pd

Download prebuilt binaries from the Penumbra releases page on Github. Make sure to use the most recent version available, as the version of pd must match the software currently running on the network.

Make sure to choose the correct platform for your machine. After downloading the .tar.gz file, extract it, and copy its contents to your $PATH. For example:

curl -sSfL -O
tar -xf pd-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
sudo mv pd-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/pd /usr/local/bin/

# confirm the pd binary is installed by running:
pd --version

There’s also a one-liner install script available on the release page, which will install pd to $HOME/.cargo/bin/. As of v0.64.1 (released 2023-12-12), we build Linux binaries on Ubuntu 22.04. If these binaries don’t work for you out of the box, you’ll need to build from source, or use the container images.

Installing CometBFT

You’ll need to have CometBFT installed on your system to join your node to the testnet.

You must use a specific version of CometBFT, v0.37.5, which you can download from the CometBFT releases page. If you prefer to compile from source instead, make sure you are compiling version v0.37.5.

Previous versions of Penumbra used Tendermint, but as of Testnet 62 (released 2023-10-10), only CometBFT is supported. Do not use any version of Tendermint, which will not work with pd.