Withdrawing Funds
This section describes how to withdraw funds from Penumbra to another chain. This is done via an IBC transfer to a public chain in the Cosmos ecosystem.
Be aware that once you leave the Penumbra zone, your funds are no longer shielded. This means your funds move to a public chain where future transactions will be visible. However, this withdrawal itself cannot be linked to your previous activity within Penumbra, all of which remains private.
To withdraw funds using the default frontend, go to the Withdraw (opens in a new tab) page (via Shield Funds and then clicking the Withdraw tab).
From there, you select:
- The chain you want to withdraw to,
- The amount and asset you want to withdraw,
- The destination address you want to withdraw to - this is not your Penumbra address, but the address on the destination chain you want to send the funds to.
Then click Unshield Assets.
You will see a popup from Prax Wallet asking you to approve the transaction:
After you approve the transaction, you will see a popup indicating that the transaction has been submitted:
You should now check the wallet on the destination chain to see that the funds have arrived.